About Me

 Like most families it seems we have no pictures with all of us in it.

Hi!  This is Ann here.  I thought you might like to know a little bit about me.  I'm a stay at home 40 something Mama to one wonderful son named Sam who I homeschool.  Along with my husband Dan and dog Easy we all live in a bright yellow and blue WWII 1 1/2 story home in Minnesota.  Our house is small by American standards, only 750 sq. feet on the main floor, 350 sq. ft. in the 1/2 story and an 750 sq. ft. of unfinished basement. Even so, we're finding it to be more than we want to manage so we're downsizing in order to move into a much smaller home. 

How small you might ask?  Quite possibly tiny house small.  Yup, those itty bitty homes that are built onto a trailer. We're looking to be completely debt free owning our home outright with no more mortgage.  To have more freedom financially and all that comes along with that like more time together as a family.  This goal has us scaling back our possessions through selling, donating and recycling and this blog is chronicling our journey.  Won't you come along for the ride?

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